According to the Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency since the early 1994s, international business has so far invested over USD 100 billion in Poland. This ranks Poland as a regional leader and, considering the post-accession FDI inflows into older EU member states, suggests that the Polish economy is set to maintain a strong growth rate for the foreseeable future. The most significant inflow of FDI could be observed between 2006-2007 (over 200%). The worldwide economic crisis must have influence Polish economy however indirectly, which is why the amount of FDI In 2009 slightly decreased.
The main investors, which have already located their capital in Poland are as follows: Germany with 16,40% of total FDI amount, the Netherlands with 16,10%, Sweden with 13,44% and Luxemburg with 11,14%.
Obligations arising from contracts made in Poland
Country |
EUR mln |
% |
The |
22 048 |
19,0% |
18 145 |
15,7% |
12 463 |
10,8% |
10 020 |
8,7% |
7 100 |
6,1% |
Other |
45 933 |
39,7% |
Total |
115 709 |
100,0% |
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