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Kuryłówka - Plots no 2567; 2564; 2561
Kuryłówka - 12 ha Kurylowka Community
Nowa Sarzyna Community - 13 ha
Industrial Park of Leżajsk Commune - sector A1
Sector A1 - 3,5182 ha
Industrial Park of Leżajsk Commune - 1,7 ha
Sector A3 - 1,7588 ha
Industrial Park of Leżajsk Commune - sector A5
Sector A5 - 0,9594 ha
Plot no 265 in Chalupki Debnianskie
Plot no 265 in Chalupki Debnianskie, 42 ha
Leżajsk - Site No 15/4
Site No 15/4, 0,7665 ha, area located at Hutnicza street in Leżajsk
Leżajsk, plot 600/42
Leżajsk, 1,1352 ha
Leżajsk, plot no 825/6
Leżajsk, plot no 825/6, 0,9696 ha
Leżajsk, plot no 602/11
Leżajsk, plot no 602/11 - 1,0558 ha
Malne - 20 ha
Lezajski County, Grodzisko Dolne Community
Industrial Park of Leżajsk Commune - sector A4
Sector A4 - 0,7072 ha
Industrial Park of Leżajsk Commune - sector A6
Sector A6
Hall H3
Industrial hall in Stare Miasto - Park with the space of 2000m²
Leżajsk - plot no. 825/8
Investment plot in Leżajsk with an area of 0,35 ha
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